Digital twins

Do you want to create digital twins?

We are here for you !

Use ROAV7 to create your digital twins and 3D modeling when you are preparing a shutdown , carrying out maintenance monitoring , to visualize a work zone , take measurements , update plans, prepare modifications structures , or even train your teams remotely.

Thanks to our drones and our various sensors , our remote pilots are able to recover digital data .

With this data our production team creates 3D models , as well as 360° visualization , using the photogrammetry method .

The creation of digital twins allows companies to have access to an overview of their site without having to be physically there and allows them to be able to tag equipment linked to their CMMS (Computer Aided Maintenance Management).

Digital twins may be updated following site changes. It is therefore also possible to compare the histories of the models .

3D modeling

ROAV7 produces 3 - dimensional models of industrial sites, structures and equipment.

The recovered data processed and analyzed to create a point cloud .

The point cloud is created once the photos are aligned by similar points in order to reposition the photos in space and thus obtain the desired result.
These similarities between images are then interpreted in three dimensions .

ROAV7 creates 3D models in order to take measurements , visualize structural deformation, obtain a digital twin for the purposes of maintenance , HSE training , shutdown preparation , etc.


ROAV7 works on industrial sites with a need for a virtual tour of their site. The digital twin allows businesses to have their site at their fingertips without having to physically visit the location.

A multiple interest
Distance learning
Maintenance tracking
Monitoring a work or stop zone