+33 2 76 89 21 61 [email protected]



ROAV7 offers innovative solutions to inspect railways. In one time, we can provide the overview of 5 control points : RAILWAYS, BALLASTS, GANTRIES, CROSSTIES and VEGETATION.

By collecting aerial data with UAVs or planes, ROAV7 reduces human risk related to manual inspection and boosts the inspection process. 

Our clients can manipulate the final and exhaustive results. Especially, this method enables to control :

  • Condition, position and crossties number
  • Gantries condition and catenary aligning
  • Volume, distribution, condition and nature of ballasts 
  • Gap measure between railway seals
  • Height and nature of invasive vegetation

All control points are georeferenced and usable in a geographical information system. The data is processed and analyzed with ROAV7’s method to give its clients an augmented reality railway view, overlaying all main features of the railway.

To upload our study case, please fill up the following form :

Opération acquisition prises de vues voies ferrées et rails


    No shutdown

    No production loss

    ROAV7 operates on your high-up areas without interrupting your activity.


    Human risk decrease

    Thanks to our UAV inspection, our clients can feel free of human factors from intervening and  therefore reducing high-up work hours.


    Remote intervention

    ROAV7 can reach the elements of our clients’ interest within a few minutes of flight.

    More accurate

    Complete overview

    ROAV7 collects exhaustive, clear and accurate data on the whole windmill facilities.